Cash Flow Management

A positive cash flow is imperative to your business's success.
cash indicates in the upper side of graph and flow indicates in the lower side of graph

As recent events have shown, a cash crisis can arise from the most unexpected origins, and it can be catastrophic to your business.  If you find yourself in a position where you must borrow money to meet your business's needs, then engage Westlake Village-based Garry A Jones & Associates' cash flow management service. Our services will help you remain financially robust. We guide you in determining what your cash needs are and how, when, and where your future needs will occur.  Equally as important, we will assist you in locating and securing the best sources to meet these additional cash needs.

To avoid a future cash crisis or help you through one, we will create a cash flow projection for you. We design both short-term (weekly, monthly) cash flow projections to help you manage daily cash, and long-term cash flow projections to help you develop the necessary capital strategy to meet your continuing business needs. Maintaining positive cash flow and preventing shortfall crises is mostly a matter of understanding where the money has gone in the past and where the money will be going. So in addition to preparing projections, we look back and construct historical statements from which you can learn and better manage your business in the future.

 Developing an accurate cash flow projection is just one of the many cash management services we provide.  We also prepare you to meet these needs when they occur by helping you secure reliable and reputable lines of credit and establish and maintain strong relations with bankers and other creditors.

Maintaining a positive cash flow provides your business with its lifeblood.  With our help, you will have a better understanding of your cash needs; you will be positioned and ready to take action and take control of the events, both expected and unexpected, that arise to challenge your business.